Thursday, June 4, 2009


Hahaha I totally forgotten Pik Yen's tag until she reminded me yesterday on my chatbox. =.="

Hahah And I even have a logic for tags XD. If I get tagged by someone from Taman SEA, I'll tag my Seafield/USJ 2 friends. If I get tagged by them instead I'll tag those from Taman SEA.

(Now I'm finding it pretty convenient XD)

Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight?
I don't feeling talking at night wan cause I will be playing my DS or seeing my sis playing the DS or the internet XD

Ever had a near death experience?
I don't think so.............?

Where’s your cell phone?
Buried somewhere in the house :)

What is the last thing you thought about?
This tag

Do you regret anything?
A LOT of stuff XD

If you found out you were pregnant who would you tell?
I doubt (and hope) this would never ever happen XD

What are you going to do this weekend?
Same old stuff T____________T

Met anyone new in the past week?
How do I meet anyone new if I'm stuck in my house? XDD

What does your bestfriends call you?
Li Anne, TLA, (Dunno why) Li Ann, (On MSN =.=) and.........?

Who was the last person to go to the movies with you?
Can't remember when was the last time went for the movies but I think I went with my family.

Are you currently fighting with someone?
Fighting the projects :)

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
I always have butterflies in my stomach while waiting for my transport to come. (For unknown reasons 0.o)

Who/What would you like to see right now?
My projects getting done.

Are you mad at someone right now?

What’s the nicest text in your inbox say?
I have a lot of mails but I'll just go for this one Karangan 'Terbaik' UPSR 2007 (budak yang cerah masa depannya)‏ because it made me laugh a lot (Ignore my sense of humor)

Do you mainly use your house phone or your cell phone?
I rarely use phones now.

Is there an empty place in your heart?
Empty place for what?

Do you count down the days till anything?
No... In fact I don't even want to count down since the end of holidays are COMINGG!!!!!!!!

Are you looking forward to something as of right now?
My projects getting done (AGAIN?!?)

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
On MSN yesterday.

Do you prefer revenge or just pure jealousy/envy?
None of the above

Who would you like your next “fling” to be with?
I don't even want to have a 'fling' >80

Would you curse in front of your parents?

What kind of camera do you have?
Hi-tec XD (And digital if possible?)

Would you rather go to a party or out of town?
Depends on my mood.

Are you slowly drifting away from someone close? For what?
I don't know. Maybe?

When was the last time you held someone’s hand?
Just yesterday with my father to cross the road XD

Who can you tell everything to?
My mom? :D

Can you play guitar hero?
Never played and don't plan to >8D

is any part of your body sore?
For some reasons my back always hurts.

missing someone right now?

is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be?
Hm.......... does Mickey Mouse include?

When was the last time you saw the person you last kissed?
0.o I dunno?

Do you like your phone?

Last thing alcohol beverage?
Never drank. (Except for one sip of disgusting wine. BLEURH!!)

Have you ever slept in a bed with the opposite sex?
In what way? 0.o

Have any of your best friends ever back stabbed you?
If they did they aren't my best friends are they? :D

If you had to move in with a friend, which one would you pick?
No one.........

What’s the seventh text message in your inbox say?
Erm.. some notification Mail for some thing I signed up on. (Nothing harmful :) )

When is your next road trip?

What did you do the weekend?
Usual stuff.

Have you ever been called a tease?
Think so.................

What are your chances of getting with your crush?
If I had one, none :)

What is the farthest you’ve traveled with a friend?
To Putrajaya I think.

Are any of your friends so close that you consider them family?
All of my friends are my "Family" But just the not so close friends are my distant relatives XD

Anyone told you a secret this week?

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?

Do you hate anyone?
I'm not sure if I hate them. But just now I don't really care for them.

Last time you wore the opposite sex’s clothing?
Are pants included?

What do you want in your life right now?
Peace? XDD

When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry?
Around this week.

Did you tell someone something today?
I think I didn't even talk (Yet) to anybody today since I'm alone with my grandmother and she's in her room.

Do you trust people easily?

What were you doing at 9pm Friday night?
How would I know??? (BTW today is Friday but 10 AM)

Yi Sian
Siew Yan
May Kwan
Jun Wei
An random people who wasn't tagged who also want to do it.

(I don't even know if their reading or not but............. And it seems like I also have very little friends hor? XD Oh, and all of these people are from random blogs I just picked them out from XDDD)

BTW, id you're wondering why I'm doing this when I have projects is because I'm taking a 'break' XD