Saturday, May 30, 2009


LOL okay maybe not SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMM but yay!

I commissioned my sister's friend and I just got it from my sister (But she got it 2 weeks ago!!!)

I got the pic from my sister's friends' devianart account.

The price was RM13 because one picture with one character is RM10 but for each character you add, we will have to pay RM3 in addition. :D

But it's VERY worth it. I lav it. XD <3

I seriously love the details. My sister also commisioned her friend to draw Howl last year but since her friend did it in 1-2 hour, it was a little messy.

But for mine, she did it during her holidays so she did it neatly >8D

Hehehehehehe. Need to off the comp T_T

Friday, May 29, 2009


Haha exams are over, and I got 3 tags (By Yi Sian, Beverly [ which both are the same tags 0.o] and from Pik Yen.) and todays teacher's day and summore stuff :P

Haha I'll just do Yi Sian and Beverly's tag first then. :P

A TAG with no number 1.

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

Very very sleepy :P Long story XD

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with?
Erm.... My family I think?

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Maybe... maybe not :D

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
I might but... not sure actually :P

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Yeah... Richard ( Seems like he is almost most of the females best friend? :P Joking)

7. Do you want someone to be dead?

8. What does your last text message say?
Erm... Can't remember but I'm sure its from Yi Chin ;D

9. What are you thinking right now?
Thinking how to answer this question

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
My sister is with me already!

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
10 p.m. because of Teacher's Day in the morning but only managed to sleep around 11. T_T

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
Not sure. My sister gave it to me :D

13. Is someone on your mind right now?
Yi Sian because I have to keep viewing her blog for this tag. :P

14. Who was the last person(s) who text you?
Yi Chin

People I tag:)

1. Yi Min
2. Yi Chin
3. Pik Yen
4. Farina
5. Jing Wen
6. Sangeetha
7. Sher Rhie
8. Ivan
9. KK
10. Kina (LOL seperated from your sister >8D)

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with? (Yi Chin)
Nobody but secretly hoping for David Archuleta.

16. Is no.3 a male or a female? (Pik Yen)

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good? (Sher Rhie and Yi Min)
I'm very sure they aren't those kind of people.

18. What is no.1 studying about? (Yi Min)
I doubt she's studying now since its holiday.

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
Just today in school.

20.Is no.4 single? (Farina)

21. Say something about no.2. (Yi Chin)
Too in love with David Archuleta.

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together? (Pik Yen and Sangeetha)
Which kind of together? :D

23. Describe no.9. (KK)
Very smart and funny (Gimme your brainnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!)

24. What will you do if no.6 n no.7 fight? (Sangeetha and Sher Rhie)
I hope not because they are so close to each other 0.o

25. Do you like 8? (Ivan)
As a friend (LOL so pathetic Ivan's the only guy in the tag! XD)

I'll stop here since someone is bugging me to stop. T_T

Kay I'll continue another time. (Sheesh whats with all the spelling errors I had?!?!)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Haha only using for a while since my sis needs to hang clothes :P

OH NOOO The exams are hereee!!!! (Starting on Tuesday ending on next weeks Wednesday D:)

I'm very sure I'll fail on Geo, Sejarah, P.Moral and etc. (But wish me luck!!!!)

Haha a lot of things happened but I'll only post about it after my exams kay???

To be continued............... >8D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I'm typing this one day earlier because I won't be online tomorrow (Mother's day)

This is a poem dedicated to mothers plucked from a book called Mama where are you? by clove n clive. (

When I was 3,
I wanted you to hug me,
I felt safe, secure and loved in your embrace.

When I was 13,
You wanted to hug me,
I pushed you away
Saying you have a bad smell,
And I was too old to be hugged.

When I was 6,
I held your hand,
You led me to the park and showed me the way.

When I was 16,
I felt irritated when you wanted to hold my hand,
I was old enough to know my way,
I wanted to walk the path myself,
I didn't need your advice anymore.

When I was 10,
I was so proud of the clothes you sewed for me,
I was the beautiful princess with the glittering clothes,
I had a mother who can sew and my peers do not.

When I was 30,
The clothes you sewed for me were too old-fashioned,
I felt embarrassed if my friends knew I wore the clothes you sewed,
I ordered you not to sew clothes for me anymore,
I will get the branded ones from the boutique.

When I was 35,
I came to a realisation,
What you do as a mother has not changed,
How come my reactions have changed?

When I was young,
Your words were wise,
I saw you as a great being,
Protecting me, nurturing me, caring for me
Whatever you did, you did for me,
I was your precious daughter.

When I grew old,
I became arrogant,
I am educated; I know more than you.
I am more powerful now,
I don't need you anymore.
I take care of myself,
I can give myself better advice than you.

I felt so important,
I wanted to control my own life,
I didn't want you to stand in my way,
I pushed you aside,
I didn't see tears rolling down your cheek.

I forgot the love that you poured on me when I was young,
I forgot the sleepless nights you had when I was sick,
I forgot the worries you carried when I was sitting for my exam,
I forgot that you kept the best food for me,
I forgot that you breastfed me when I was an infant,
I forgot that you washed my clothes,
I forgot that you cleaned my shoes,
I forgot that you cooked for me,
I forgot your care,
I forgot your protection,
I forgot that you cried for me when I was down.

Dear Mama,
I'm sorry that I have forgotten many things that you've done for me,
I'm sorry that I was not there when you needed me most,
I'm sorry that I closed my ears when you needed someone to talk to,
I'm sorry for the many things
I have not done.

Dear Mama,
Please forgive me,
Forgive your daughter
who is so insensitive to your needs,
Forgive your daughter who only concentrates on her own life,
Forgive your daughter who is so reluctant
to spare time for you,
Forgive your daughter who only realises
her shortcomings now.

Dear Mama,
I love you, ever since I was young,
I love you for all the things that you have done,
I love you for your care,
On top of all the reasons to love you,
I love you for no reason.

You are my Mama.

I don't care if you think bad about this poem or laugh at it or even said it was boring. (Yes, you too blog critic. :D)

Happy Mother's Day :)

(* Note: Haha this is the second post i posted in one day XD)


Hahaha just posting for the sake of posting. :P

Natasha and two of her friends came down to KL yesterday and will be finding a hostel some where near her college/uni. (*note: Natasha is my cousin)

So currently Sue Anne's room is being occupied.

And I'm getting sick.............. again.

Around Monday I had flu then a little cough and now my cough got a little worse and i'm getting a little flu again. T_T

So bored..... There's actually a lot of stuff I want to post about but I'm feeling lazy now. :P

Someone...... re-energize me........................

I think I died from yesterday.

Because yesterday Jerry wanted to show me, Yi Chin and David his 'Red-Face'.

And you know what did he do???? He looked like he was doing his big-business in the class with a stupid expression while his face turning red at top speed. @_@

He kept on insisting on us not laughing so he can do it seriously but we just keep laughing because his expression was............................. indescribable.

And Yi Sian I wanna chat with you online again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T Come online!!!!!!!! :P

-End of the shortest post on my blog for this year-

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I LOVE Free Samples XD

Yeah, today just went to Giant and there were alot of free samples there.

I LOVE THE ONE THE CHEETOS (Or what ever it is called =.=")

The woman gave us a plastic cup with one big piece of the cheetos and on the cup was a some cream cheese.

We ate the cheetos with the cream cheese and it was SO GOOD even though it was so little.

And you know what? The woman even offered me more but I didn't take it. XD (See what a nice person I am. XD Perasan aje.)

After that we went to Digital Mall (And I was supposed to go online then to start MSN-ing Yi Sian)

Then there was a Times Clearance Sale.

My sister was practically so happy I felt scared of her. 0.o

And every time she bumped into me we'll surely get static shocked. ( Erm.. like when you bump with someone, sometimes you'll feel like there's a needle poking you. Something like that. 0.o)

Then I told her "Jo Anne stop that la. See you so negative!" Then she replied "T_T Oh... means you very positif la is it?"

Ahh... I'm feeling lazy to post now.



LOL. I forgot I wanted to write about when I visited my neighbour!!!!!!

My neighbour (an English man and his Chinese wife) had a child 4 weeks ago.

So today me, my sister and mother went over to visit them.

Their house is very spacious and empty unlike ours 0.o

They had a son and his name is Jonathan. :D

He is still so pink and small. (And he cried alot. >.<>

We sat around for a few minutes then my mother said:

My Mom: Okay, girls you want to go back already?

Auntie(My neighbour): It's alright. You can still sit around if you want to. You can listen to all my horror stories on my child. :D

Jo Anne: Hahaha never mind. I think we should go too.

Uncle: Are you sure? Do you need me to call a taxi? (Jokingly)

My Mom: Hahahahaha you don't have to. Its a minute away.

Me: *thinking* you mean 10 seconds away :D

Uncle: Alright then. But are you sure you don't want me to call the taxi? :D

Jo Anne: Hahaha it's alright.

My Mom: Then when the baby can crawl it's your turn to take care of it.

Me: 0.o

:P Now I'm feeling lazier then ever. But luckily I managed to finish Sejarah Project in time. Now the horror will be P.Moral and Geography. (OH NO! NOT THE GEOGRAPHY!!!!!)