Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hahaha just posting for the sake of posting. :P

Natasha and two of her friends came down to KL yesterday and will be finding a hostel some where near her college/uni. (*note: Natasha is my cousin)

So currently Sue Anne's room is being occupied.

And I'm getting sick.............. again.

Around Monday I had flu then a little cough and now my cough got a little worse and i'm getting a little flu again. T_T

So bored..... There's actually a lot of stuff I want to post about but I'm feeling lazy now. :P

Someone...... re-energize me........................

I think I died from yesterday.

Because yesterday Jerry wanted to show me, Yi Chin and David his 'Red-Face'.

And you know what did he do???? He looked like he was doing his big-business in the class with a stupid expression while his face turning red at top speed. @_@

He kept on insisting on us not laughing so he can do it seriously but we just keep laughing because his expression was............................. indescribable.

And Yi Sian I wanna chat with you online again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T Come online!!!!!!!! :P

-End of the shortest post on my blog for this year-