Saturday, May 2, 2009

I LOVE Free Samples XD

Yeah, today just went to Giant and there were alot of free samples there.

I LOVE THE ONE THE CHEETOS (Or what ever it is called =.=")

The woman gave us a plastic cup with one big piece of the cheetos and on the cup was a some cream cheese.

We ate the cheetos with the cream cheese and it was SO GOOD even though it was so little.

And you know what? The woman even offered me more but I didn't take it. XD (See what a nice person I am. XD Perasan aje.)

After that we went to Digital Mall (And I was supposed to go online then to start MSN-ing Yi Sian)

Then there was a Times Clearance Sale.

My sister was practically so happy I felt scared of her. 0.o

And every time she bumped into me we'll surely get static shocked. ( Erm.. like when you bump with someone, sometimes you'll feel like there's a needle poking you. Something like that. 0.o)

Then I told her "Jo Anne stop that la. See you so negative!" Then she replied "T_T Oh... means you very positif la is it?"

Ahh... I'm feeling lazy to post now.



LOL. I forgot I wanted to write about when I visited my neighbour!!!!!!

My neighbour (an English man and his Chinese wife) had a child 4 weeks ago.

So today me, my sister and mother went over to visit them.

Their house is very spacious and empty unlike ours 0.o

They had a son and his name is Jonathan. :D

He is still so pink and small. (And he cried alot. >.<>

We sat around for a few minutes then my mother said:

My Mom: Okay, girls you want to go back already?

Auntie(My neighbour): It's alright. You can still sit around if you want to. You can listen to all my horror stories on my child. :D

Jo Anne: Hahaha never mind. I think we should go too.

Uncle: Are you sure? Do you need me to call a taxi? (Jokingly)

My Mom: Hahahahaha you don't have to. Its a minute away.

Me: *thinking* you mean 10 seconds away :D

Uncle: Alright then. But are you sure you don't want me to call the taxi? :D

Jo Anne: Hahaha it's alright.

My Mom: Then when the baby can crawl it's your turn to take care of it.

Me: 0.o

:P Now I'm feeling lazier then ever. But luckily I managed to finish Sejarah Project in time. Now the horror will be P.Moral and Geography. (OH NO! NOT THE GEOGRAPHY!!!!!)