Monday, March 9, 2009

My sis showed my some stupid and funny videos.....

But sadly I don't know how to put it in my blog so I'll just put in the links. XD

Charlie the Unicorn

This video is a little weird yet a little funny XD.... Don't blame me if you don't like it!!!!!!

Puyo Puyo (Skit by Jinnai Tomonori)

Puyo Puyo is a japanese game my sister used to so so crazy over... XD (When I was around... 8?) Anyway... The video is quite funny to me that is I think if you understand it.

Driving Test (Skit by Jinnai Tomonori)

LOL. One of my most favourite videos online. But it's hard to concentrate on the screen and subs. =.=" But definitely my most favourite. :P

Eye Test (Skit by Jinnai Tomonori)

You must have noticed I've been watching a lot of Jinnai Tomonori's skit right??? His skits are very funny :P This is Eye test where he goes for an eye test. (How obvious)

I'm not really in the mood to put up all the video links so you can find it yourself....

I watched other few skits by Jinnai Tomonori but they aren't as funny as Puyo puyo and Driving Test. (Eg: Dying Messages, JOS Airline)

One time... Pn.Chan gave us some friendship poems to, erm... 'study'

So the poem we got was the special poem.

I liked the poem ( I even copied it down and the link too.. :P)

Across the miles,

You touched my life,

Opened my eyes, and

Filled my empty heart,

Strangers, yet friends

Our spirits reach out,

Always touching, never apart,

You in the East,

Me in the West,

Never together,

Never apart.

LOL... When I first read it, I thought about Yi Sian. :P

It sounds like us only that we're not strangers XD (The poem is about penpals though.)

Enjoy the videos!!!!!!