Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I used to have this game called Izuna 2... I got her to Level 77 and it was going to end. The game is very very hard to make her level up. So I got bored of it and decided not to play it until I feel like it. 2 days ago, I turned the game on and guess what? The memory was gone. DARN. It took me around 6 months just to make her level 77 and to defeat all the bosses.

I started reading Persona 3 and 4 (Trying to find out why Enid likes it so much. And I'm bored. I also don't have PS2 so I can't play the game.) I seriously don't understand it at all. Especially Persona 3. @_@

And I also started reading a manga called Future Diary (I read the review of it on StarVariety one day) The girl (Gasai Yuno) is such a weird stalker.

I'm serious. She's a stalker. With weird expressions.


I'm getting scared of her. I hope I don't get a nightmare on Yuno. ( Sorry for all the full stops and how short this post is. Is it me or did everyone stop posting on their blogs?)

*Edit: Future Diary is kinda........ sick. I think I'll stop reading it. =_=