Thursday, August 13, 2009


Next week we are going to sing Malaysian songs (Whatever you call it) for some competition among the classes. And it's only for Moral students.

So it's next week and my class barely did anything except for singing some songs that ended up canceled. ( i think....)

And one day I asked Julian some thing about Moral ( Because he's in my class for Moral)

Me: Eh, Julian we don't have to bring any books for Moral since we are singing right?
Julian: Eh? Since when are you in my class?
Me:............ You come to my class for Moral....
Julian: Since when? Don't lie la......
Me: You sit at the last row with Justin and the rest and I sit in front!!!!!
Julian: Huh? How you know wan?
Me; BECAUSE YOU ARE IN MY CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julian: Where got? Don't have also...
Me: *irritated but stops talking to him for the moment* =_=

OHHHHHHHHH And there was one time Julian brought CHOCOLATE BROWNIES to school.

And I love chocolates. And brownies too. :P

He ate while saying "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..........SOOOO GOOD!"

So me and Farina got a little irritated because we like chocolates a lot. So we turned our back to him to avoid seeing his eating it.

Then he quickly ran infront of us and ate the brownie while saying it was so good.

Then there was one part when the scooped one part of the brownie and there was SO MUCH CHOCOLATE ON IT I accidently said "oh......." XD

Then he started laughing so much and tried to make us feel irritated that me and farina ran away.

Then we just walked around and went back to the koperasi and then Samantha (from 1H) pointed at us and Julian turned and got his brownie with him so went walked the other way.

And then the bell rang so I said to Farina " I hope he falss if he tries to run :P" (Becuase we saw him fall a few times and the way he fell was......... weird. XD When he fell he will fall with NO SOUND AT ALL)

Then we looked behind and saw.............. Julian running. So for no reason we ran. =_= And he said that he ran because there was someone he didn't like was around (????).

Eh............ Today I had ICTL and my father forgot about it until I called him. And he was laughing a lot. =_=

Ermm.... today's post is very random.