Thursday, July 30, 2009


Erm.. I think this is a little too late to post this up BUT since I cant come online often, I might as well take advantage of it :D

I went to my school's musical Footloose on Saturday... But before that I went to Pravinaa's house and eat barbecue. :D ( Yummy... Its not often I get to eat stuff like that!!!)

So after that we went to our school.. we came in through the dewan gate. Then we saw Geetha, Priyanka, Kah Mun and the rest too. So me, Yi Chin, Yi Min and Pravinaa was just standing around the gate. ( Probably looking like we were trying to commit suicide)

Then we saw our friends in the musical ( The choir members) like Pik Yen and David. (Infact they were the only ones I could see clearly since the rest are too far away or I don't know them or they are looking at the other direction.)

Then we played our DS ( Me and Yi Chin used mine, Yi Min and Pravinaa used Yi Chin and Yi Min's one)

We were actually planning to go early to get good seats but we were too occupied playing until Pravinaa (Or Yi Min) said "EHH??? People go in already!!!"

So we sat at this sit, then one of the person in the crew asked us to sit infront to fill up the front... then we had to sit in front again. =_=

Then Farina came ( With her really cute phone with the black thingy on it I don't even know what that thing is for.)

Then the show started.......... Their lines were kinda............................... lame. ( Sorry to say and please don't kill me choir members or fans of the musical)

Farina kept talking to me to give comments on it........ =______=

Then there was a break so I saw that they even sold Gion Bread. ( Reminds me how long time ago I last ate it. ;_;)

.......................................... Somehow I have the feeling that (*insert name*) is thinking that I'm writing too detailed on my blog. ( And writing too much on one event...)

So I'll just stop on Footloose now and start on other stuff. ( And I'll try to stop writing too much =_=)

On Monday teacher changed our places. =_=

And my prediction was right, I'm sitting on my usual place ever since the start of the year, but I'm sitting next to Jo Lynn. With Bryan and Trishul in front of me, Thavinaash and Jin Hao behind.

Haha by the end of this year you can see me as a half dead person. :P

I better finish up my theory (For piano) now instead of playing internet.

(OH! And for Restaurant Cities, I had 21k so I spend and spend like nothing only until left 13k and my Restaurant looks kinda different XD *Perasans* :P)

( I could actually write more but.................. )