Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back from Penang~~

Hehe I went to Penang on Saturday until Tuesday ( Skipped school for 2 days)

When I came to school today Julian and Samantha Liao (Sorry but I don't know how to spell your surname Samantha) said that they didn't notice I wasn't in school =_=

On Saturday I had to wake up around 7 because we had to go to the bus around 8. (BTW only me and my mother went :D And we sat on Aeroline)

The journey took 5 hours. ( This was the second time I sat on Aeroline. First time was around std. 5 or 4)

So on Saturday me, Rachel, Ee Lian and Aunty Ida went to play bowling.

It was the second time I played bowling (First time was a long time ago....) And I am horrible in bowling.

The first round, Aunty Ida scored 60+, Ee Lian scored 50+, Rachel scored 40+ and me?? I got only 8 points =_=

Halfway the second round me, Rachel and Ee Lian went to jalan-jalan while Aunty Ida played our turns XD ( that time I only scored 7. By the time she finished playing, she scored for me 94 points :P )

Yeah and we saw the second tallest man in the world ( Not sure if its real or not because his arms looked....... odd....)

On Sunday we went to Gurney Plaza to watch Ice Age 3 ( Since some of my cousins already watched Transformers 2)

I realised I didn't watch the ending for the first and second movie of Ice Age XD.


We ate at some Museum Restaurant for lunch. ( The decoration etc. was VERYVERY NICE!!!)

I took some pics using my mothers phone but not sure if i can transfer it to the computer. If can, I'll post it up another time :D

I had a Spagetti Bolognesse ( Is that how you spell it??)

I'm kinda feeling lazy to post so I'll just make it a little more shorter :D

On Monday I went to Gurney Plaza (again) and walked around.

My grandmother became a huge fan of Michael Jackson so my mother and my aunty went to but his DVDs for her. ( We bought the music videos and concert version)

Then for the whole afternoon my and my mother stayed upstairs of the coffee shop... So I just read my books and played Sudoku and drew alot.

Oh and BTW, on Saturday I bought The Diary of A Wimpy Kid #1 for RM30 since It had been so long since I last bought any books. T_T

Then on Sunday I bought 6 Dear Dumb Diary books since it was on a promtion ( Buy 2 free 1) and we bought RM75 for the 6 books :P

So I had 7 books after so long of not having any new books for myself. :D But for the Dear Dumb Diary series, I'm only missing one more XD

On Tuesday was pretty much the same except that I left Penang 3 p.m.

Also, I was using my phone to SMS someone, then one of my aunty saw me using my phone and said "Aiyoh, your phone so cham wan? I will give you a new phone okay?" (Or something like that)

I thought she was joking but she really gave me a new phone. (She got it free from her friend and her sons aren't using it)

It is a Nokia camera phone. Its not the latest models but more like the models some time ago. ( Which means it isn't exactly the canggih ones)

So I gave it to my sister, (But she said she wants to return it to me since shes not used to it and doesn't want it) and then when we turned it on it was in Chinese.

So my sister asked me to ask my father to change the language but he wasn't sure too.

Then I took my phone and changed the language to chinese ( Because i know how to switch my phones language) then after a while I managed to change it back to English.

Haha I was perasan-ing that time XD

AND ALSO, when I cameback from Penang my sister was using the computer then she asked me to come over..

Then I saw that she was using....................... A TABLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was like *o* OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ( I actually dropped the bag I was holding XD)

I feel too lazy to continue....... Over and out (How lame of me.)