Sunday, November 29, 2009

Putty Art~~

My sister uses a special eraser for her college which is called Putty eraser and you can make different shapes from it. My sister gave me her old ones (which means the dirty ones XD) because I love to play with it.

Yesterday, I felt bored so I starting playing with the eraser. And I made...........

THIS! :D ( Its a little girl with a weird looking heart thingy next to her. If you notice theres some thing on the side of her head, its supposed to be flower T.T) And BTW its 2 separate pics :D.

The girl doll thingy next to my sister's BOOGEE doll she bought from Australia. ( First shot taken by Jo Anne, second by me)

I was making another doll thingy but I always accidently 'cacated' her face so I tried to make her back to normal but failed....... (She looks like she have a scar on her face :P)

The other 'doll' I was trying to make when I destroyed the small girl doll's face :P This 'dolls' leg is kinda cacat.....

Scenario: One day, a littl putty girl was walking when she spotted a putty girl grinning like a psycho by herself. She stood next to her and made a blur face while thinking "How on Earth does she manage to smile a day long??"

(Actually, I was wondering the very same thing as the little putty girl about a schoolmate of mine. Whenever I see him, he always seem to be smiling for no reason. Maybe he does have a reason but its quite rare for me to see him not smiling.)

Haha its so random..

So continuing on Australia, my sister said it was supposed to be like Malaysian weather but when we arrived, the airplane crew said the temperature is 13 degree Celsius ( Im not sure how to do the degree thingy :P)

We went to Queen Victoria Market, used the City Center Tram, ( Which is a free tram) Tresury and Fitzroy Garden, a lot of random roads, Melbourne City Center, and many more places I forgot.

For my birthday, we celebrated at a place called Li Dolce Freddo ( I think it means Little Italy.) They serve italian ice cream (Gelati) we ordered 2 medium one with Toblerone, Ferero Roche, and Freddo Surprise ( Which this flavour is a surprice) the other one had Lemon, Nutella and some fruit thingy.

It was really nice my dad asked my sister to order another one with the Toblerone, Ferero and Freddo Surprise.

We also went to Phillip Island. We went to Caldermeade. Its a barn with obviously barn animals. After that we went to see koalas, then we went to see the penguin at night. It was near the sea and we went there 1 hour earlier and it was soooooooooooooooo darn cold!!

Hmm.. right now Im in a rush so..... I'll continue another day... :P