Friday, November 20, 2009

Just some stuff...

On Thursday last week, me, Michelle, Jing Wen, Yi Chin, Sangeetha and Sanglisha shared some ghost stories. (And it was raining very heavily. Our shoes got soaked) When it was recess, we felt a little worried from telling all those ghost stories we decided to go for recess together. (Since our school is a little haunted... i guess)

After recess, we continued sharing ghost stories so we sat in a circle and told each other stories. (And we also found out Michelle's family history was so interesting. She is a keturunan pewira!!! XD Atleast that's what we call her now.)

And it started raining heavily again and we got a little freaked out. (By one prefect i forgot her name who always came to our table and tried to freak us out. And also by the empty spaces between us in case there was 'something' sitting there. And by our backs were facing to the tables so we were also worried there was 'something' behind us)

I cant really remember what happened, but after someone told their ghost story, the wind blew and it was very strong and cold. Then we all screamed because someone said something i forgot what ( As you all know, I can't scream so I didn't) and the moment we screamed, the electricity went off. Then I think Michelle said something about if our ear felt itchy, we shouldn't scratch it because it might make 'it' possess you so we all ran to teacher and they screamed a bit.

The other students were like staring at us and Pn.Wahida asked us what happen. XD

So after that we decided to stop telling ghost stories. (And that night, I dreamt about ghost and woke up half way at night and my face was really cold and I was sweating. And the rest said they slept very nicely =_=)

And so, on Saturday, we went for our class year end party. (But I still don't get it. Why do we have to have the party when we are all going to be in the same class next year.)

So we had it at Sunway Pyramid Pizza Hut.

My parents fetched me and Michelle there. Me,Michelle, Yi Chin, Yi Min, Pravinaa, Enid, Jing Wen and Sangeetha had to come at 12.00 to get the stuff ready (The party only started at 2. And some students from other classes were allowed to attend as long as they paid. @_@)

We ordered 7 Large pizzas and 5 jugs of Pepsi. We wanted to spend the class money untill nothing is left but we still had RM100+ more. So we ordered 3 more Large pizzas and 3 jugs of Pepsi. But we still had money left.

After the party finished, me, Michelle and Jing Wen went around for fun. So we each bought candy canes XD

We all decided to eat our candy canes. So we walked around. On our way to MiniToons, We were eating our candycanes. I looked at MinyToons then I noticed Michelle stopped eating her candy cane. So I turned my head (with the candycane in my mouth) and I saw a Form 2 boy from our school (I think his name is Jian Fu) and he was staring at me eating the candy cane. I was like "0_0 er......... he looks familiar.............." (I nearly forgot who he was :D I know this is very random)

And I think we looked really childish eating the candy canes XD

I cant wait to go to Melbourne!!~ But my sister said we wont be able to use the internet there T_T

(Is it me or did the font change?)