Finally I can write about school. -.-'"
Before I write about school, let me just say that I skiped school today! XD (Nothing to celebrate about.)
But because my sis is going to go to Australia this evening, I had to skip school.
Man.... When she's around I wish she's somewhere else, when she is somewhere else, I wish she was here.
So LET'S hurry up and talk about SCHOOL.
So there was once when me, Pik Yen and Farina sat outside the Koperasi. There were a few people walking around trying to get people to buy the Valentine's day gift they were selling.
So first there was a guy with huge sunglasses and wearing some club shirt came to us and tried to sell some key chains.
Guy 1: Hey, you want to buy these key chains? You can buy for your family, your loved ones, you can even buy it for me :D.
Pik Yen: I'm sorry. Not interested.
Guy 1: come on la... (Another guy came to us.)
Guy 2: (He was selling lucky stars in bottles.) Do you want to buy these stars in bottles? (I wasn't really paying attention that time. So I'm not very sure what he said.)
(At this part I couldn't hear what they said cause they all were talking at the same time.)
Pik Yen: No. And please do not bother me. (Guy 1 left now)
Guy 2: Ok, I won't bother you if you buy something. (He left after a while of bargaining.)
Now, Guy 1 was asking other girls to buy the key chains. (And as I suspected, he said about the buying thing to everyone.)
Then he was talking to Juni.
Pik Yen: Juni!!!! Juni!!!!!! (She was trying to call her)
Me: JUNI!!!!!!!!!! (Hahaha... I said louder. :P)
Juni: (finally looked at us) :)
Us: Hello!!!!!! (I have no idea why we said that.) *waves*
Guy 1: :D hello!!! *waves back* (He said that to us)
(We were laughing like mad people here.)
Pik yen: He so perasan wan???
Me: He have serious perasan case. 0.o
Then after laughing so much the bell rang. We went towards the stairs.
Guy 1: :D BYE!!!!!(to us)
Pik Yen: Who saying bye to you???
Oh.... And finaly some pictures from Pik Yen and Yi Chin.

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