Like the title above, I'm very lazy to post currently. OMG. I even forgot to find the Map of Malaysia online. (*Quickly finds it*)
So we had our February test last week. I couldn't hear my Science and Chinese marks properly. ;_; (Whenever it was my turn, they said so softly during scince. And for Chinese, teacher was saying it is Chinese so I wasn't sure if i got it correct.)
But I know that my KH marks is a horrible 56% over 80%.
I did pass up my project which cost 20% which means I got 76% for KH..... i think.....
Now when I read over my blog, I found out it was more boring that I thought it would have been.
A very short post since I'm so lazy. :P
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
GAH!!!!!!!!!! So Lazy. T.T
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Finally I can write about school. -.-'"
Before I write about school, let me just say that I skiped school today! XD (Nothing to celebrate about.)
But because my sis is going to go to Australia this evening, I had to skip school.
Man.... When she's around I wish she's somewhere else, when she is somewhere else, I wish she was here.
So LET'S hurry up and talk about SCHOOL.
So there was once when me, Pik Yen and Farina sat outside the Koperasi. There were a few people walking around trying to get people to buy the Valentine's day gift they were selling.
So first there was a guy with huge sunglasses and wearing some club shirt came to us and tried to sell some key chains.
Guy 1: Hey, you want to buy these key chains? You can buy for your family, your loved ones, you can even buy it for me :D.
Pik Yen: I'm sorry. Not interested.
Guy 1: come on la... (Another guy came to us.)
Guy 2: (He was selling lucky stars in bottles.) Do you want to buy these stars in bottles? (I wasn't really paying attention that time. So I'm not very sure what he said.)
(At this part I couldn't hear what they said cause they all were talking at the same time.)
Pik Yen: No. And please do not bother me. (Guy 1 left now)
Guy 2: Ok, I won't bother you if you buy something. (He left after a while of bargaining.)
Now, Guy 1 was asking other girls to buy the key chains. (And as I suspected, he said about the buying thing to everyone.)
Then he was talking to Juni.
Pik Yen: Juni!!!! Juni!!!!!! (She was trying to call her)
Me: JUNI!!!!!!!!!! (Hahaha... I said louder. :P)
Juni: (finally looked at us) :)
Us: Hello!!!!!! (I have no idea why we said that.) *waves*
Guy 1: :D hello!!! *waves back* (He said that to us)
(We were laughing like mad people here.)
Pik yen: He so perasan wan???
Me: He have serious perasan case. 0.o
Then after laughing so much the bell rang. We went towards the stairs.
Guy 1: :D BYE!!!!!(to us)
Pik Yen: Who saying bye to you???
Oh.... And finaly some pictures from Pik Yen and Yi Chin.

Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hahaha Need To Catch Up
I seriously need to update my blog more often now. :P But I can't ;_;
So about the second dinner, I didn't eat much but I had ALOT of fun there!
It was on Saturday night (Yes, the night after the first dinner. :P)
It was a sort of gathering/Chinese New Year party.
It was at my mothers friends place. (Her house is nice!)
We were the first to be there. When we reached PJ, we went to check if the stupid bookshops sell the stupid Chinese textbooks teacher wanted us to buy but the bookshops were closed. (Shakes fist)
So we went to Medan Selera at SS2 to eat a little before the party.
I was quite hungry but I couldn't anything there (All they sold was rice and noodles. The kuih stalls were close)
So when we went there we were VERY sure we were too early. So my father drove us around the neighborhood.... twice or thrice.
So even when we went there, we were still quite early.
That time their cousin from Hong Kong came to Malaysia so, yeah.
That time there was only Jonathan and Daniel (Daniel is the cousin) because the rest of the family went somewhere else that time.
We went on talking until he brought out cups and ice.
Daniel (Holding the drinks): There are apple juice, 100 plus and.... organic soya bean.
Sue Anne (sarcastically): OH! Organic soya bean! Li Anne, it's your FAVOURITE isn't it????
Me (Whispering): What are you talking about? I never tried it before!
Jonathan took a cup put in ice and took the soya bean drink.
Me: 0.o Oh no.
Jonathan: (hands me the soya bean) Here.
Then me and my sisters started laughing like mad while he was staring at us.
We didn't tell him that Sue Anne was just joking but I was forced to take it and drink it. (Got quite sickening.)
I told Sue Anne to never crap about this kind of stuff.
So after everybody came, we took out the Yee Sang. (My mother bought a packet from the shop we went to at the First Dinner before we went to their house)
And some one else also brought Yee Sang so we had two packets of it.
so Aunty Christy (Jonathan's mother) Asked us to separate.
The younger people outside of the kitchen, the adults in the kitchen.
So Aunty Irene and Aunty Wai Ling said: "We refuse to go inside! You all old people can go in! We are still very young!" (Eventhough they are at their 40s XD They were joking.)
So when we tossed Yee Sang:
Jo Anne: When we toos it, what do we say??
Aunty Wai Ling: Che che get boyfrind! (She was saying about my sisters) Money, money money! (Singing a part of one song) Big Bonus!
But I didn't eat it or toss it.
And you know what? Aunty Irene and Aunty Wai Ling seriously said "Che che get boyfriend, money,money,money and big bonus."
When they said that my sisters were like. 0_o
So after that, Aunty Irene and Aunty Wai Ling finally accepted the truth that they are old. XD Because they went bak to the kitchen
After that we ate Yong Tau Foo, some noodle and some other stuff I cant remember. (We got neglected cause Aunty Christy forgot to give us the sause for Yong Tau Foo. And forgot to give us some of the food :P)
there was one conversation very weird:
Sue Anne: Daniel, when are you going back to Hong Kong?
Daniel: Why so curious? Are we like, going to go out together?
Sue Anne: 0.o No lah! Never mind. You don't have to reply me.
Daniel: Never mind. I'll humor you. I'm going to go back on (I can't remember what he said here.)
Sue Anne: Err.. okay then. Thank but no thanks.
I also was like 0_o when he asked if they were going to go out.
After playing mahjong and talking, we played Risk.
That time they said the game was very long.
The game was quite fun.
I'm lazy to explain about the game so I'll just write was we mange to do.
Jonathan explained how to play the games as we arranged our soldiers.
So on one of the Continents, there were 4 countries. I already had 3 of them so Jonathan asked if I wanted to trade one of my country for the one more country I need to control the whole continent.
And when we started the game, I had one mission. (Control a continent.)
So I asked Jonathan about that mission then he said I already finished a mission and my sisters were like. 0.o The game just only started.
So we had to fight the country with dice.
And how weird, Jonathan once had 3 dice at 6 for mahjong and 3 dice at 1 for Risk.
Err... i think this post isn't as long as I thought it would have been. :P
And sorry my blog is very boring and picture less.
Well, I'll try to make it more interesting next time!!!!!
(I think you guys are going to sleep while reading this sorry!!!)
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
As I promised....
Today I'm gonna write about the two dinners. (And I might write a lil about school, it depends. ;P)
So on the first dinner which was on last Friday night, we ate with Uncle Tet (Don't know how to spell his name. :P) and his family.
So we went to a place somewhere in Subang.... i think... (My direction skill are HORRIBLE!!!!)
It is called Restoran Welcome Seafood I think. It's some where hidden behind some Steamboat shop etc. whatever it is called.
So we ate Yee Sang first.
At first I was like "0.o We are gonna eat Yee Sang?? (First time eating Yee Sang)"
so they had two packets of some weird crackers. First he poured it out, second, my father grabbed it and said "You should crush it first... *starts crushing it*"
Me: 0.o Dad.... What are you doing??
Uncle Tet's son: 0_o (By his face he looks like he's gonna ask if my father is crazy XD)
Others: Just staring.......
They also added the sauce. They nearly pured the peanut sauce when Uncle Tet asked them to leave it. (He said something like that I think..)
Then we toss it without saying much. Since there were many chopsticks tossing, I didn't really toss much.
Then I took some..... And then I ate it...
Me: Uhhhh???? ( I think I seriously said that when I ate it. I was at daze when I ate it.)
I didn't like it.
So I was forced to eat EVERY single thing on my plate. ;_;
My dad and Uncle Tet sat next to me. (Oh great. Two fathers siiting next to me. :/)
And I have no idea why but Uncle tet keeps asking me questions like:
Do you want more yee Sang? You want more soup? You need more water? You want me to get you chicken? You want.. You want??"
Then I also got alittle sien hearing him asking me. ;_;
Our second dish was Sharks Fin Soup. (Yeah.... Shark's fin soup.....)
Then it was erm.... What was it?????
Errr... I think it was vegetables..... Let's just skip the veges. XD (How evil of me >8D)
Next was the 3 yolk egg. (I think that was how they put it.)
There was egg, egg and more egg! Yay!! (I'm feeling pretty lame now as you can see.)
Of all sudden, a few Philippines came. Two women was holding some brochures to ask us to donate and help the children. Another man was playing the guitar and singing along to it.
He was playing "We Are The World" By Micheal Jackson and some other women.
I still remember that song. :) Teacher made us sing that and "Oh, Malaysia!" over and over again during perhimpunan one day during std.3 or 4.
I think I still have the lyrics to We Are The World. (Runs of to find it)
First they stopped at two tables before they came to us.
And, oh joy. He was right behind me.
And how rare, my mother donated.
My dad and Uncle Tet joked:
Uncle Tet: You know ah, the Filipinos are very good at singing .
My Father: Ya. They are like the Blacks. The Blacks can play basketball very well. (He said it a no-offence manner BTW.)
Then it was the Mini-Herbal Chicken.
Yes, it's small as they said mini.
Uncle Tet: Li Anne, you want me to get chicken for you?
Me: Errr....... (Looks at my dad)
My Dad: Okay la. Thanks ya!
Me: 0_o
It may sound like it wasn't alot, but it was very feeling and the egg, vege and Yee Sang was BIG!
Then you know what???? He ordered Sea-Coconut! I was like 0.o He is going to kill us by overeating.
They came and etc.etc. (He asked my if I wanted more... again!)
After that, he asked us, "Do you want to go for desert?" We were like 0.o
He wanted to take us to either Happy Beans or Basking Robbins.
Be for going to our answer, let me tell you about Happy Beans. :D
The first time we ate with them for dinner was during January or December I think.
And that time, we ate seafood! (Again?)
So not going into details for the food, he asked us to go either Basking Robins or Happy Beans.
So we tried Happy beans. (FYI, Happy beans is located somewhere around Taipan.)
So we ate there, the were all kinds of stuff there. My dad had ABC only that it had barley and something else I can't remember.
Me and my mother shared some desert with the black 'pearls' with nuts and barley. My sisters had the one with red bean instead of nuts.
It was nice. There was also a cylinder shaped thingy which tasted like tong yuen.
So back to the reality, instead, we went to their house.
And talked and talked and talked.
We ate Aunty Tet's sister's homemade Ha peng. And watched Jurassic Park 3. then we went home around 10.30.
I'm feeling lazy (Again!)
So I'll write bout the second dinner another time. (It's gonna be ALOT longer!!!)
Be prepared to read a long and picture-less post!!
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Haha!! TONS to write!!!!!
Omg... I have too much to write about... Penang, 2 BIG dinner, school.
I'll have too start with Penang, then I'll do another post on the dinner and another on school so this post won't be too long. :P
I went to Penang on Saturday. Oh YEAH!! That reminds me...
On Tuesday, when finished school, it started to rain and I was forced to walk under it.
Luckily, I was only a little wet.
On Wednesday, I got heavy. I had to walk under the rain. I was dreched from HEAD to TOE man!! My shoe was filled with rain water. ;_;
On Thursday... I said 5 minutes before bell rang: "Yay~~ No rain today!!"
The bell rang, we steped to the staircase, it started to rain.
We were like" Why so bad wan??? Who curse until like this wan???"
And I was only a little bit wet. :D
On Friday, It didn't rain. Yay!!!! But I went to the car park expecting to see the lady who fetches me to school there, but she wasn't there.
There was another boy who also sat at the same car as me, he was also there.
I walked to and fro when I finaly came out of the car park when the guard was about to close the gate.
So, to cut it a little short, after around 45 min, luckily I had coins so me and Hariza went to call.
She was late because there was jam. (Not the jam to eat!!!!)
So on Saturday, we woke up 5.15 (Well, that was me. I didn't know what time my sisters and parents woke up. :P)
We went off when it was 5.30
We reached Ipoh and ate my fathers favourite dry curry mee at a certain shop.
Well, I don't eat curry so I ate the Fish Ball Noodle. (Can't remember what is it called in chinese. XD)
So we reached at my Grandmother's coffeeshop at Pulau Tikus at around 10 a.m. (Cafe New Cathay or something like that!! A shop from my grandmothers coffee shop got interviewed by Hochiak!)
So, when we reached my granfathers house, all we did was sit, draw watch tv (my sis was doing homework.)
Untill Ee Lian came. Then etc.etc.
Okay, I'll just fast forward to the more interesting parts then.
So we slept over at Natasha's new house. Their house was really nice!
Natasha's room was purple and a little pink. Sue Anne's room was purple!
Rachel's room was green and me and Jo Anne's room was green! (Aunty Ida was laughing when she heard this. :P)
So then again, etc.etc.
So the most popular cousins came over the next day, Jay Vern was 5, Darren was err... I don't know how old he is and Chen Tang was around 15 months old.
Jay Vern and Darren was very active and noisy yet Chen Tang was barely making any noise.
For the whole, time I only saw Jay Vern and Darren cried and Chen Tang never cried!!
Jay Vern was in love with fire crackers yet Darren, i think, had phobia for fire crackers.
Ovce, Jay Vern wanted to make Darren watch it. But their maid took him to the kitchen.
So Jay Vern was like "Chen Hang! (Darren's chinese name) Chen hang! Come!!"
But he didn't want to but Jay vern pulled his maid who was holding Darren out.
Then Darren started to cry and held on to the wall. But Jay Vern still wanted him to see it.
But since he was crying so loudly, his maid went back to the kitchen and his crying softened.
But this time was Jay Verns time to cry. How sad... One in love and one phobia.:P
There was also once, we wanted to go to another aunty's house, Jay Vern wanted to come along but his parents didn't allow. So he started to cry VERY loudly. He started to hit his mother and shouted SO loudly I nearly went deaf.
We quickly went out and at the end of the road we still could hear him cry. O.o
Also once, we all went to Giant. And I got quite shocked over what they bought:
12 big bottles of soft drinks, 2 packets of pudings (One packet have around 6 or 9), around 9 cans of canned lychee and something else, 2 or 4 packets of rice crackers and some other junk food I can't remember what.
At Natasha's house, there was a bridge to go to Aunty Leng's house, there was a thingymajig I don't know what it's called but it looked like a huge crater but it wasn't but it was filled with grass.
I was wearing red that time and there wer 2 cows there which belonged to an Indian man.
The cows were staring at me.
After a while of seeing them staring at me I quickly looked away and wished to go bac as soon as possible. Natasha's house also had a dog named Summer.
it ALWAYS barked at me and my sisters as well as my parents.
GAH!!!!! Too much too write!!! I'll write the rest another time kay????
Over and out!!!! Wanna SLEEP!!!!!
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 6:27 PM 0 comments