So I'm finally going to to the tag Yi Sian tagged me to do. But before that I just wanna post on some other stuff.
When I went on blogger, I clicked sign in and then I saw............ a Winnie the Pooh icon.
LOL Then I was like What???? How come got only one post and Winnie the Pooh icon one??
And it turns out that my sister created a blog and didn't sign out. (Scared me a lot)
And today we wanted to watch Transformers Revenge of the Fallen but the seating were all over the place. ( If you get what I mean)
So instead, my sister and my mother went shopping for CLOTHES. ( And I had to follow them....)
To tell you the truth, I seriously couldn't belive how can some people go to the shopping mall and do nothing but look at clothes.
After all the shopping, I got really scared on entering a clothes shop.
Then when we went to the second last clothes shop we were going to, I got REALLY hungry. ( Because I ate very little for breakfast)
So my father said he wanted to go to Harvey Norman and I used my jacket to 'ikat perut'. XDD
Eventually, I got to eat. (We ate at Canton-i!)
We ordered 2 porridge (On the menu they called it something like corgee) 2 wan tan mee, one pork knucle thingy with something, 2 deserts.
Haha very nice <3 I very lazy to post about the rest since Yi Sian came online and now we're chatting about NDS game XD
And you know on Saturday I was doing this tag and playing Restaurant Cities on Face book when the electricity went off... Gerammmmm XD
Level 1
( ) Smoked A Cigarette
(X) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex On The Cheek ( If you include my mother)
( ) Drank Alcohol
Level 2
( ) Are / Been In Love (Love is a big word :D)
( ) Been Dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired
Level 3
( ) Had A Crush On An Older Person
(X) Skipped School (A lot of times XD)
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
( ) Seen Someone / Something Die
Level 4
( ) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been On A Plane( See I so sad XD)
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking (From longan XD)
Level 5
(X) Eaten Sushi (I LAV SUSHI)
( ) Been Snowboarding
( ) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
Level 6
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
( ) Taken Pain Killers (If I did I think I would have forgotten)
( ) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have (Like I said, Love is a big word)
(X) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel ( When theres no winter in Malaysia, oh whoopee~)
Level 7
( ) Had A Tea Party (Tried with my sisters but failed)
( ) Flown A Kite
( ) Built A Sand Castle
(X) Played Dress Up ( With Yi Sian :P)
Level 8
( ) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(X) Cheated While Playing A Game (BEWAREEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(X) Been Lonely
( ) Fallen Asleep At Work / School (I don't dare in case my teachers goes "Tannnnnnnn Liiiiiiii Anneeeeeeee................."
Level 9
(X) Watched The Sun Set (For the fun of it)
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake ( When I don't even dare to touch one?)
Level 10
(X) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
(X) Been Misunderstood (Many times. =.=)
Level 11
( ) Won A Contest (See I so n00b XD)
( ) Been Suspended From School
( ) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
Level 12
( ) Had / Have Braces
( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night ( But I wish to!)
( ) Danced in the moonlight
Level 13
(X) Hated The Way You Look (Some times)
( ) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
( ) Questioned Your Heart ( What does it mean?)
( ) Been obsessed with post-it-notes ( I ahve a lot but never found any use of them)
Level 14
(X) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
( ) Been Lost
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
( ) Swam In The Ocean
( ) Felt Like You Were Dying
Level 15
(X) Cried Yourself To Sleep (Ehehehe)
(X) Played Cops And Robbers (More like ice and water)
(X) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
( ) Sang Karaoke (Sis, cousins and I gone mad)
( ) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
Level 16
( ) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
( ) Made a Prank Phone Call ( Don't want to waste my time and money XD)
( ) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
( ) Kissed In The Rain
Level 17
( ) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
( ) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(X) Blown Bubbles (0_o)
( ) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
Level 18
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
( ) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(X) Had A Wish Come True (UPSR ^_^)
Level 19
( ) Worn Pearls
( ) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Swore at the teacher, in front of them (0_o!!!!!!)
( ) Swam With Dolphins
Level 20
( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
(X) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes ( Pants :D)
( ) Sat On A Roof Top
Level 21
(X) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lung (Roller coasters :D)
( ) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(X) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about ( My sister)
Level 22
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
( ) Climbed A Tree
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House
( ) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone (Never watched before you know)
Level 23
(X) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking
Level 24
( ) Played with Chickens
( ) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(X) Been Amused
Level 25
( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Caught A Butterfly
(X) Laughed So Hard You Cried
( ) Cried So Hard You Laughed ( 0_o thats a little weird......)
Level 26
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone (?)
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You (??)
(X) Cheated On A Test (On spelling test when i was young :P)
(X) Forgotten Someone's Name ( I forgot a lot of peoples names XD)
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
( )Tried to hurt yourself
Level 27
(X) Rode A Roller Coaster (YEA!)
( ) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkelin
( ) Black-Mailed Someone (8D)
( ) Been Black Mailed
Level 28
( ) Been Used
( ) Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Bitten Someone
Name a friend from A-Z.
A - Alyssa
B - Brian Choo ( Randomly XD)
C - Chan Julian (:P rearranged name XD)
D -
E - Enid
F - Farina
G -
H -
I - Ivan
J - J-Mee
K - Khor Yen Min
L - Lee Yi Chin
M -
N - Nadiah (a.k.a Boy :D)
O -
P - Priya
Q -
R - Rishika
S - Sangeetha
T -
U -
V -
W - Wong Pik Yen
X -
Y - Yi Min
Z -
1: Can R and S get together in BGR?[boy girl relationship] (Rishika and Sangeetha)
Answer: No because it would be plain weird.
2: How is L related to you? (Lee Yi Chin)
Answer: Friends and sits next to me in class :D
3: Does Y knows Z? (Yi Min and ??)
Answer: Haha there's no Z
4: If C betray you, will you kill him/her? (Chan Julia)
Answer: For what?????????
5: If K steals your boyfriend, what will you do? (Khor Yen Min)
Answer: Pats her on the back and says "I'm sorry but I don't have a boyfriend. You must have gotten the wrong person."
6: If B tells you that he/she has a crush on you, what will you do? (Brian Choo)
Answer: ............. Gets traumatised.
7: Will you and M get into a fight? ( )
8: Who does K have a crush on? (Khor Yen Min)
Answer: Who knows? :P
9: If L calls you bitch, what will you do? (Lee Yi Chin)
Answer: David Archeluta will hate youuuuu! No, I'm just joking. *Bangs head on wall*
10: What's the relationship between you and E? (Enid)
Answer: Friends :D
11: Who does Z like? ( )
12: Who is I's best friend? (Ivan)
Answer: I think Justin, Nickson, Tshaman and Julian maybe?
13: What color does Y like? (Yi Min)
Answer: I'm sorry but I don't know. ;_;
14: Where does F live? (Farina)
Answer: In USJ 2 :D
15: Did you and C had a fight before? (Chan Julian)
Answer: 0_o No..
16: Who is H's best friend? ( )
17: What can you say about T? ( )
18: If J tells you he/she have a crush on you? (J-Mee)
Answer: 0_o Gets even more traumatised
19: Who is G's idol? ( )
20: Tag 10 people to do this quiz.
- Yi Chin (But she never does the tags)
- Yi Min
- Pik Yen
- Rishika
- Yen Min
- Jerry
- KK and Kina
- Farina
- Jing Wen
- Khirujah
Ahaha sorry for those I left blank since I have no one with that alphabet for name. :P
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tag+ ???
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I'm just making a short post (And sorry, I won't be doing Yi Sian's tag yet XD) since my sis will be using the internet shortly.
Seafield is having Hari Karnival Keluarga Bahagia and they said we can bring families, friends, moyang also can! 8D It will be on the 5th of July and I don't even know why I'm telling you guys this.
ANYWAY, they wanted to get atleast RM100,000 from this (So crazy.) and they are trying to lure us to help them raise that much by some prizes.
Because we are going to have coupons, they said they will be giving out prizes by class and individualy.
The prizes will be given by the amount of sales the get from selling the coupons. (We can buy it from teacher for our own use or get it from teacher to sell it to other people but give the money to teacher.)
For class they will give the class which sells the most coupons 10% of the sales of coupons (I think) for the class jamuan during the end of the year and etc... (Also got 5%, 2% and 1% i think.)
BUT for the individual prizes there are camera, iPod, MP3, handphone and etc.
They will be giving it by the total of tickets we buy or sell for the teachers. And OMG can I just have them for free???????? I want them >_>
I really want to scan something on my scanner (Oh the temptation) but.. I have NOTHING to scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;_; (The temptation is killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *bangs head on wall*)
So now Pik Yen can stand without her crutches and she have to limp if people ask her to walk. (And her crutches got really famous!!!)
ALOT of people asked her if they can try using the crutches. (Bethany seems to be crazy over it?)
Haha now I'm not sure if I'm even going to Aussie on July since there is H1N1 there =_=
Ah well...........................
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
LOL I'm currently obessesing with Hetalia Axis Power. ( First started when me and my sister went on devianart and to find out there was this competition thingy on Hetalia. And also my sisters friend influenced it to us XD)(Above from left to right: China, France, America, England[United Kingdom?]
Down from left to right: Russia, Italy, Japan, Germany.)
LOLOLOL Practically in this anime/manga Italy is the main character. (Just read about it on the link I put above if you're interested in Hetalia =_=)
I like Japan. He is so............. so............ I can't find the right word to describe him :P(Germany's expression is weird XDD)
They also have mini-clips on Chibitalia (Chibi for little. So it's like saying Little Italy and yes, it's again about Italy.)
But it SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pic above is Chibitalia with Rome. (Italy's grandfather aka Rome-ojisan. Rome is a very questionable person.)
Oh and yes, they are named after countries. They sort of represent their country thingy.
But each episode is only around 5 minutes. And they keep dragging the stories and repeating some flash backs.
I like China, (His chinese is horrible. Once he tried saying Mei wen ti it came out as mei-a wen-a tiah! =_=) Japan, (:D) Italy, (He is ok but...... he seems to be a victim for gays in the anime. 0_o srzly.) Germany is also ok :D
But I dislike France. XD
(I wonder why there's no Malaysia in it? XD Is it a good thing or bad thing I wonder?)
The deviantart competition based on Hetalia is funny too but they drew them a little differently. (If you want to see it click here!)
Hahaha And I'll just do Yi Sian's tag another time since I'm in no mood to do it now :P
Feel like dozing off..................
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunway Pyramid + Stoopeed Day
Yesterday I went to Sunway Pyramid with Yi Chin, Yi Min, Enid and Pravinaa. (Her name got 2 a's right???)
So I gave them 2 keychains ( brown puppies) and 2 drawings (My Sister drew them last minute XD)My sister drew Yi Chin's one first because I sort of knew what she wanted but I had to ask Yi Min for hers XD.
My sister drew for around 2 hours. At first when she drew the girl she was like got mood to draw la. But when she start to draw the guy she simply draw because she hates to draw guys. XDDDWhen she started on Yi Min's picture she had NO mood to draw. (But in the end she still drew it XD What a nice sister...)
My stoopeed scanner, I don't know how on Earth it scans. Because for each drawing, it took me more than 5 scans just to get those above and it's not even the full picture.
For Yi Chin's picture it always scans the guy's shirt. (Hor... I got a 'miang' scanner yea?)
Then for Yi Min's picture it always scans the guys hand (Not the one holding the girls hand)
Wah... my scanner so 'miang lelaki' ah?? XD
haiyooooo.......... Now I very lazy to post adi la.......
When we went to Sunway Pyramid we just walked around buy stuff. We ate KFC and after that we shared 2 cake and 1 brownie from Secret Recipe. I like the brownie <3
Hahaha I'll just post very short for that first la. But for the whole time I only bought one item: Yi Sian's present. (*Note to Yi Sian: Hahaha so now you know you have a present waiting for you.)
On Friday (This have nothing to do with Sunway Pyramid) was such a stoopeed day XD
Because before we went to class, I tortured Farina with the word stoopeed. XD
Then when we went up to class I always say stoopeed to Yi Chin.
Then Yi Chin was like " You mental already yea?"
Then I started traumatising Jerry with my stoopeedity! XDDD
So we were repeating the words 'Ah Kua' (Jerry spells it Aqua. It means Pondan in chinese and I have no idea why they call me that since I'm not a guy.) and 'stoopeed'
This Jerry also said " What's wrong with her(me)?" (BTW he was saying to Yi Chin)
Then Jerry also said he scared of my stoopeed words (But I don't know if he was lying or real wan la. XD)
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 7:31 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha I remembered today is YI SIAN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Wait a minute........ it's the 17th of June rite? Please don't tell me her birthday mysteriously changed to July?)
(Hehehe this picture was taken when we were std.5 while they were displaying MyFAH student's work based on Merdeka. XD I think I remember that it is crayon and the black one is paint. 0______o BTW she's pointing to her own work not some random one. I can even see her name if I zoom in really close.)
Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha (I don't know why I'm laughing so much. I think my brain went haywire.)
There's so much memories................ ( I have a picture of Yi Sian during my std.2 birthday party where she looked a little awkward XD Shall I blackmail her??! XD Just joking)
I remembered we only became really close best friends around std.3 when we met Beverly. And you also joined MyFAH. :D
(Note: MyFAH is the name of our art class. My Favourite Art House. See the word MyFAH? XD)
I remember we used to draw 'comics' and when we were std.1 or std.2 we drew retarded looking aliens which were supposed to be humans. ( And they were supposed to be us. 0_o XD)
But after a while we manged to draw them properly until they looked normal. XD
And when we met Beverly she also joined this 'comics'. (And OMG I just found a book where my, Yi Sian and Beverly wrote some stupid stories about entries from our characters diaries. I was laughing my head of because I was so lame.)
And I remembered when she told me about when Wai Zhung or Soon Way kept asking her about Maple Story she got so fed up and pulled her hair.
(Hahahahahaha seriously pitied her. XD)
I remembered on the last day or std.5 (Also my last day of being in Taman SEA) she came over to my house. Right? 0_________o or am I wrong?
Haha There's too much memories until I start forgetting some. =__________= OTL
So anyway,
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hahahahahahha yesterday I found out our class didn't get the stoopeed blue paper. :O
I think Yi Chin mistaken the sejarah paper for the GEO paper. XDDD
Yesterday we had photography sesions too. (We skipped Maths for this. Should I be happy or sad? 0.o)
Michelle asked Trishul (Dunno how to spell his name) to find Pn.Wahida our class teacher but by the time he found her (I think) it was already recess.
SO we only had our pictures taken after recess. =__________________=
The first picture was the normal class photo. I tried to smile but I smiled really small so I doubt I look like I was even smiling.
The second one was 'free style' where we can pose anything we like. I did the most common thing anyone could do, the 'peace' style thingy what ever it is called.
BUT some thing caught my eye before the guy took our pictures so I think I wasn't focusing on the camera on the second picture. 0____________o
And also there was a HUGE moth on the ceiling. (David so perasan he thought he was the only one who knew when me and Yi CHin already knew before he told us XD)
OMGOMGOMGOMG I sure fail for Kemahiran Hidup AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only got around 30+ over 60 questions and I didn't send in the KH project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think my results will be around 30-40%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Warning: This post is filled with anger and sien-ness so please don't feel annoyed. ( And don't forget I warned you.)
I saw J-Mee's Geo project before so I roughly knew what to do.
I was gonna ask my friend's about the stoopeed blue paper for Geo which we have to put in front of our project.
Until today I was like "Oh yeah.. I forgot to ask about the paper hor?"
And then I asked Yi Chin through SMS then she replied that she got it but she lost it.
I didn't remember our teacher giving us the paper at all.
All I remember is that I saw around 5 student who was holding it and THAT'S ALL!
I don't remember seeing the blue paper at all (Apart from J-Mee's one)
And so I was ransacking the whole room like a mad person BUT I COULDN'T FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO I'm so gonna fail and die.
And when did Yi Chin get the paperrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was waiting for the comp to load (the comp is SO slow when I need it the most)
I waited until I felt like tearing something into pieces man.
So I went on MSN hoping to see maybe Pik Yen or some of my class mates.
But OH NO. On the time I need them most. They AREn'T online!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Only my cousin, a robot and Sher Rhie was online but Sher Rhie is in another class and I'm sure she passed it up and she's having a different teacher.)
Phew. Felt so much better after torturing the poor keyboard on slamming all these letters.
Thanks for listening. ( And I'm really sure I get bad results for exams. T_____T)
And I have no idea how to get the pics for Moral since our camera cable mysteriously got cable-napped. T________T
Why oh why on the time I need them most they are there. (I'm talking about the paper and the cable)
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (My anger switched on again because I don't want to get bad results for my exams)
Well.............. All I can do is just hope I did well for my exams. (As if ;_____;)
Hahahahahha I'll try some weird way to get the paper then. Argh I feel so hungry after this. =_________________="""""""""""
( BTW I purposely wrote stupid as stoopeed. T_T)
*Edit after 10 minutes from when I last posted this
Michelle (NG) came online I don't know when probably too distracted from MSN until i didn't notice she was online.
So I asked her about it she suggested that i ask teacher about it and we weren't sure if we could bind it in school since my parents would be busy during the weekdays.
BUT I asked Sher Rhie and she said school don't bind. T__________T
And it turns out she didn't pass hers up yet.
HAhahahaha if I don't have the blue paper how on Earth is teacher gonna give me marks man. T_T
Wow my fingers hurts from typing. :P
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Random Random Random
Hahaha I came online and saw Xhee Li was online. (First time I saw her online ever since I add her like how many years ago???)
So I just started to talk to her and she told me she's not in Seafield because we have too many students. (Seems like Pn.Lau wasn't joking XDD)
Haha how I miss old times.... (I sound like an old person feeling nostalgic about the past =____=)
And OMG I still haven't finish my Geo project, and for my Moral project, I still didn't take the pictures. =__________________=
I sure fail.
Luysdgofausyrfgotaes7ryg0x7ya9wer7gyx978cvhywsefsjilkxnhv I feel so sleepy XD. (I notice there are a lot of seven's in the erm........ long 'word' does that mean im gonna get lucky??? :P)
I srzly have no common sense XD
I can even prove it throught my dream!!!!
Yesterday night I had a dream that after my piano leason I was getting ready for school. In fact I was rushing to go to school.
Until I stopped and said " Oh yeah... School reopens on Monday not Friday." And then I can't remember what else happened. Probably some dream about a Ds game again?? =______=
See, even my dream have no common sense at all. XD (Come to think of it, I didn't even have a logical dream before. I once had a dream I was near a volcano when it erupted. =___________________________=)
Hmmmmmmmm.......................... I'll have to search for people to ask about the projects now. ;_____;
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
>>> I dunno what I'm Doing <<<
Yeah srzly I don't know what am I doing.
I'm supposed to finish my geo project soon but I'm too lazy to open it and photo stat the stupid pictures En.Zuraimi gave us. T_T
Oh yeah, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but we got a new printer ( Around 1 or 2 months ago? XD)
It's a printer, scanner and photo stat machine!!!!!!!!! (So happy :D)
And I was thinking that maybe I would use the scanner at every chance I get but the problem is that I have to nothing to scan. (I was supposed to scan something but I accidently photo stat it. Wasted a piece of paper!)
Currently I'm on my mad-about-manga-and-piano mode now I have no idea why.
Yesterday I read around a total of 10-15 mangas. (I was reading like 4-5 mangas at a time and when some are finished I'll go manga-hunting and read those I got hold of)
And now I'm playing River Flows In You for the piano. (That's the cause of my mad-about-piano mode >.<"")
Haha I impress myself sometimes because I can play it ermmm 'well' after 2-3 weeks. :D
I'm srzly horrible at piano (But my teacher said I can pick up well? @_@)
Lalalalalalala I'm now mad about a DS game called Avalon Code (Oh No! Not the DS again!!!)
But I like to give the guys (i'm playing as a girl) presents and see what are their stupid reactions XD
I'm planning to do the same to the girls when I make a new file. (But in the game we could only save one file so I'll just have to wait.)
And sometimes I enjoy watching some scenes. (Reminds me of Harvest Moon DS Heart Scenes 0_o)
But sadly the guys are so ugly. One has blue spiky hair and I think he have an attitude problem. Another tries to be a 'hero' but his a coward and weak. And he's obsessed with flowers (And he looks gay!!!!) And I recently found out we can 'couple' with spirits. 0.o One of the spirit is a fire spirit which is annoying. I haven't met the other spirit but I saw his picture. XD
There are others like 2 other guys I haven't met which looks old enough now be the characters father. Another is a red eyed prince (Which a bratty princess is madly in love with. =_="")
Oh well.................
Does anyone (To the Seafieldians) knows if we need to bring books on the coming Monday when school reopens since we're having photography sessions?
And do we need to wear our ties? =_="" (I'm too lazy to go to one person at a time to ask this so I'll just ask on my blog =_="")
Sigh.......... School holidays are ending and I haven't even taken my pictures for the Moral project. I hate that project too.
But I hate the Geo one EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I can't belive once my parent was talking to some people have lives in the house below us, the uncle thought that I was 15. 0_o
Totally unexpected. And he called me tall for my age? (I thing I'm the shortest among my friends ;_;)
And when I was around 11 whenever some ask my mother how old I am she'll say I'm 8. @_@
:P Hahaha lazy to continue XDDDDDD
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
LOL remember the other post on the question which asked when will my next on road trip will be?
After I posted that, when it was evening my father suddenly called me and told me we're going to Ipoh. =.="
So last minute. XD
So we went to Ipoh around 6-7 p.m. and reached around 10 something.
We went to book our hotel room (Some hotel called Ritz Gardens with a copycat version of Secret Recipe called Rits Recipe with same layouts and same font for the 'restaurant' name XD)
Then we ate at some HUGE shop. Me and my sister wasn't very hungry.
So we had a bowl with fish balls and meat balls in it. (My sister dropped her fish ball XD)
Then there was a HUGE plate of tau geh. (Some white vegetable) My father said "Eh, we didn't order this wor. Aiyah never mind la we eat only" (My reaction was like =.=""""""""""""")
Then next was a huge plate of chicken.... My sister was like saying " Eh! Me and Li Anne not that hungry and so much food? How to eat finish????"
And, next we had 4 bowls of kueh teow. (For me, my sister, my parents. We each had one bowl)
In the end we didn't eat everthing finish XDDDDDDDDDD
Yeah, we came back the next day around 2-3 p.m. cause my sister had Drama class.
Then we went to our neighbours pool side party at our comdominium around 6 to celebrate their child's erm.... birthday? (Some thing to do with the Lunar calender I think)
The cake (It was actually around 15 blueish greenish coloured cupcakes) was so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(So cute until I died from looking at the cuteness of it?)
It had blueish greenish coloured icing and cream with silver balls around it and was decorated very nicely. Some had the letters J, O, N, A, T, H (its to spell the name Jonathan, the name of their child) and the rest had little baby shoes and the others I didnt get to see it.
I got the 'baby bootsie' XD ^.^ (that's what our neighbour called it XD)
But it was a serious sugar attack for me and my sister :p
But in the end me and my siter went up earlier as my parents talk to some other people. =.="
Hahahaha........... please ignore what i'm going to say next but..........
Hahaha I forgot how to do the Rumusan and I have no idea how to get complete marks for Dapatan kajian b, c, and d. >.<"""
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hahaha I totally forgotten Pik Yen's tag until she reminded me yesterday on my chatbox. =.="
Hahah And I even have a logic for tags XD. If I get tagged by someone from Taman SEA, I'll tag my Seafield/USJ 2 friends. If I get tagged by them instead I'll tag those from Taman SEA.
(Now I'm finding it pretty convenient XD)
Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight?
I don't feeling talking at night wan cause I will be playing my DS or seeing my sis playing the DS or the internet XD
Ever had a near death experience?
I don't think so.............?
Where’s your cell phone?
Buried somewhere in the house :)
What is the last thing you thought about?
This tag
Do you regret anything?
A LOT of stuff XD
If you found out you were pregnant who would you tell?
I doubt (and hope) this would never ever happen XD
What are you going to do this weekend?
Same old stuff T____________T
Met anyone new in the past week?
How do I meet anyone new if I'm stuck in my house? XDD
What does your bestfriends call you?
Li Anne, TLA, (Dunno why) Li Ann, (On MSN =.=) and.........?
Who was the last person to go to the movies with you?
Can't remember when was the last time went for the movies but I think I went with my family.
Are you currently fighting with someone?
Fighting the projects :)
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
I always have butterflies in my stomach while waiting for my transport to come. (For unknown reasons 0.o)
Who/What would you like to see right now?
My projects getting done.
Are you mad at someone right now?
What’s the nicest text in your inbox say?
I have a lot of mails but I'll just go for this one Karangan 'Terbaik' UPSR 2007 (budak yang cerah masa depannya) because it made me laugh a lot (Ignore my sense of humor)
Do you mainly use your house phone or your cell phone?
I rarely use phones now.
Is there an empty place in your heart?
Empty place for what?
Do you count down the days till anything?
No... In fact I don't even want to count down since the end of holidays are COMINGG!!!!!!!!
Are you looking forward to something as of right now?
My projects getting done (AGAIN?!?)
When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
On MSN yesterday.
Do you prefer revenge or just pure jealousy/envy?
None of the above
Who would you like your next “fling” to be with?
I don't even want to have a 'fling' >80
Would you curse in front of your parents?
What kind of camera do you have?
Hi-tec XD (And digital if possible?)
Would you rather go to a party or out of town?
Depends on my mood.
Are you slowly drifting away from someone close? For what?
I don't know. Maybe?
When was the last time you held someone’s hand?
Just yesterday with my father to cross the road XD
Who can you tell everything to?
My mom? :D
Can you play guitar hero?
Never played and don't plan to >8D
is any part of your body sore?
For some reasons my back always hurts.
missing someone right now?
is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be?
Hm.......... does Mickey Mouse include?
When was the last time you saw the person you last kissed?
0.o I dunno?
Do you like your phone?
Last thing alcohol beverage?
Never drank. (Except for one sip of disgusting wine. BLEURH!!)
Have you ever slept in a bed with the opposite sex?
In what way? 0.o
Have any of your best friends ever back stabbed you?
If they did they aren't my best friends are they? :D
If you had to move in with a friend, which one would you pick?
No one.........
What’s the seventh text message in your inbox say?
Erm.. some notification Mail for some thing I signed up on. (Nothing harmful :) )
When is your next road trip?
What did you do the weekend?
Usual stuff.
Have you ever been called a tease?
Think so.................
What are your chances of getting with your crush?
If I had one, none :)
What is the farthest you’ve traveled with a friend?
To Putrajaya I think.
Are any of your friends so close that you consider them family?
All of my friends are my "Family" But just the not so close friends are my distant relatives XD
Anyone told you a secret this week?
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Do you hate anyone?
I'm not sure if I hate them. But just now I don't really care for them.
Last time you wore the opposite sex’s clothing?
Are pants included?
What do you want in your life right now?
Peace? XDD
When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry?
Around this week.
Did you tell someone something today?
I think I didn't even talk (Yet) to anybody today since I'm alone with my grandmother and she's in her room.
Do you trust people easily?
What were you doing at 9pm Friday night?
How would I know??? (BTW today is Friday but 10 AM)
Yi Sian
Siew Yan
May Kwan
Jun Wei
An random people who wasn't tagged who also want to do it.
(I don't even know if their reading or not but............. And it seems like I also have very little friends hor? XD Oh, and all of these people are from random blogs I just picked them out from XDDD)
BTW, id you're wondering why I'm doing this when I have projects is because I'm taking a 'break' XD
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ish ish ish
Goddness I seriously need help with my projects OTL
Hahaha this will be very short so just ignore my plea for help XD
I should get started on my projects now since time is running.
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
My Chinese Coach and Izuna
Hahaha I recently downloaded a game for my DS called My Chinese Coach (Its also available for Japanese, French, English, Spanish, French and more. They also can coach you to quit smoking, for health, weight loss, traveling and others too!!!)
(I wanna download my Japanese coach but the download file couldn't be opened ;_; so I downloaded My Chinese Coach since its more useful especially since I have Chinese class ^_^)
So first they will tell me/us that there are 4 different pronunciations for each word. ( They chose the word 'Ma' for the first so I learned ma ma, ma,ma, and ma! How wonderful!! =.=" Looks so mono tone-less)
Yea so now I can reconise the 4 'Ma's' The first ma is mama (Mother) then scold, then horse and then hemp(?)
After learning all of those they will ask you to play games (To reconise the letters quickly and to improve your pronunciations)
The first game they will say "Ten" on the above screen then they will give you 4 multiple answers on the screen below so we will have to choose the correct one.
The second game is quite common. Its a game where there are 9 holes and gophers will start bobbing up and down and you have to hit it. Before you start the game, they will give you instructions like " Touch gopher that says 'I'" (Note: The I means 'Wo' in chinese.)
Then everytime a gopher comes up there will be letters below it so we my touch those who have the letter "wo" under them.
Then third game is asking you to remember the pronouciations but I don't know how to explain the game 0.o
The fourth game is helping us to remember the strokes.
Hahahaha I don't know why Im writing all of these here. Probably too bored of using internet (Since I'm downloading MORE DS games!!!! XDDDDDDD)
Since Im feeling bored.... I wanna write for another game XD (Nothing else better to do :P)
Izuna the Legend of The Unemployed Ninja
Yeah thats a japanese anime game. It's an RPG game where you will be controlling an annoying, selfish ninja named Izuna (With pink hair and weird cat like googles =.=")
In the first game, she come to a village with her grandfather, Gen An, a ninja who is obssesed with woman named Mitsumoto and a cool female ninja named Shino (Me and my sister likes her the best in the game :P)
So there was a point when Gen An was missing so Izuna went to look for him but instead, caused trouble and angered the 6 Gods in the village.
So Izuna have to go to their 'dungeons' to defeat them to get some item from them and cure the villagers as when she angered them nearly all went weird. (One man was worried about his balding issues, a woman is distressed about her wrinkles, a woman is feeling too good for the village and etc.)
So yeah.... But it's not as easy as other games!!!!!!!! For the first dungeon (Where I have to fight Shuuchi the God of Earth) I have to get down to around 10 floors or more to get to him and the rest gets harder.
And if you think you can save in a dungeon and if you die you can load back and appear in the dungeon before you die? NO. You will appear in the village instead. ;_;
So practicaly just to reach to the 5th god took me nearly half a year and I'm still looking for the last god ;_;. (BTW, I started the game last year around Dec.)
Hehehe I like the gods so I'll write about them before moving on to the sequel.
(If you want to see they look like go to this webpage)
Shuuchi God of Earth He's a nice guy but his God form is really creepy. He will have a snake like tounge coming out and grey stuff crawling on his neck =.="
Fuuka Goddess of Wind Yeah shes nice but there was a pic in the second game that was weird about her. XD there was a huge angry chick behind her and her expression was PRICELESS!!! (If I ever bring my DS and if you want to see it tell me ;) ) BTW her God form didn't change her much. only a few blue wing like thing took over her ears. XP
Kagen God of Fire hahahaha a simpleton like Mitsumoto in the second game. He's quite funny in the game (I mean his dialogues) But srzly, dude, WEAR A SHIRT!!!! (His body is disturbing expecially in a wallpaper my sis got from the internet. And don't worry, the disturbing i meant is not the perveted disturbing -_-) His God form just changed his hand into a red furry hand with claws.
Suiren Goddess of Water she and Izuna certantly DON'T get along with each other. But her expressions are weird. (Too much botox for the little girl? 0.o) Her God form made her hair longer (Nicer than her short hair.)
Utsuho God of Air LOLOLOLOLOLOLLL My sister like him XD But again, his body is disturbing. I mean if his shirt covers his stomach it would be better. (Couldn't belive it when I saw his shirt didn't fully cover it. My sister was a little devastated.) But his legend is seriously hilarious. (If you want to know his legend ask me ;D) His God form hade him have weird blue and green thingys all over him.
Takushiki God of Consciousness Never met him cause im still in the process of finding him T_T Don't ask me whats his God form.
Okay so We can finally go on to the second game :D (Oh, and I just finished downloading My Japanese coach because somehow its was downloadable.)
The second game starts when Izuna and the rest goes to Ichika's wedding (A green haired woman with unbelivable strenght whom they met in the first game)
After the wedding Shino went to find her missing younger sister Shizune (Don't like her :D:P)
So after that Izuna have to go find her and etc etc. And what do we know! We can play 2 of the characters!!! ( I used Izuna and Shino since they were the strongest and their tag attack was the best.)
And when you do the tag attack, thay will show you some picture of them which were pretty cool!
So currently in my game, I'm near to the end but first I have to defeat a purple haired Goddess of Death. (She's Grimla but don't look at her pic. She have huge and abnormal chest.)
Again if you want to see them, click here!
(Note: Notice Ran and Anima looks the same? Thats because they are!!! Also notice Tsuki and Stella are also the same XD)
Himiko's eyebrows are abnormal............................srzly.
Hahaha I'm sure you guys are dieing of boredom and feeling pretty confused about what I'm talking about.
So..................... yeah. The End :D (Finally!!!!!!!!!!)
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 6:13 PM 0 comments