Yeah... writing some random bits but i'm sure this post will be very wide spaced and have lotsa pics. (From internet not camera)

( Mitani is so left out. =.=" The Guy at the right is Mitani.)

Then Whisper of the Heart, Country Roads. (Going to learn after I finish another song.)

It's a romance anime.
(Note: Yi Sian, you should try watching this anime. I'm not sure if you'll like it but just try it.)
The song was quite hard since there was a lot of chords in it. BUT I MANAGED TO PLAY IT WITH PEDALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Woot! So happy for myself. XP)
But I'm sure Yi Sian, Vetriana and Wai Zhung surely can play like pro.
(And I heard from Bethany that Samuel is Grade 8 getting his diploma. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *slap slap*)
I think some of you will say the title of the song, Coutry Roads ring a bell cuz the song IS an old song. ( I used to like it a lot when I was younger. :P)

This is a not-relating sequel to Whisper if The Heart where Baron appears again. (Oh, the wonderful Baron. -.-)

Haru... (Somehow she reminds me of Risa from Lovely Complex in this picture. =.=" Sry it's blur.)

Yes, she saved a cat with a present in its mouth.
Kiki's Delivery Service, I also don't know the title. (Yi Sian should know this anime cuz she watched it I think.)
Yes, she IS a witch. A delivering witch.
But I didn't manage to play the song properly because it's very fast. (Most of the notes are semi quavers.)

And so, It's Spirited Away now.

Her and a guy (Haku). :D
Did you notice that Haku and some other guy in the Hikaru No Go picture looks about the same??

Her and Haku in dragon form. (The dragon so pretty XD)

Totoro~~~~~ (I prefer him when he is sleeping =.=")

All sleeping together~
BTW, Princess Mononoke ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apart from all the blood and violence. >8D
The Prince something and Princess Mononoke! But sadly, they didn't get together as Princess Mononoke wants to rejoin the wild........... (Is this a spoiler? 0.o )
And I think if you checked out most of these animes, You'll find out that most of them are from Studio Ghibli. :D Their anime all rocks except for some.
So far from them I watched:
- Princess Mononoke
- My Neighbour Totoro
- Whisper of The Heart
- The Cat Returns
- Kiki's Delivering Service
- Spirited Away
- Oceans Waves/ Sound Of The Ocean (This movie is the worst among all. SOO BORING!)
- Pom Poko (Disgusting. More info later.)
- Porco Rosso ( A man who turned into a talking pig which have moustache and can stand on two legs?!?)
- Ponyo On the Cliff By the Sea ( Her father looks like a drag queen. 0.o)
- Nausicaa The Valley Of The Wind
- Only Yesterday ( Quite confusing cause have lotsa flashbacks)
- Laputa Castle In The Sky ( In the end we didn't see the ending.)
- Grave Of the Fireflies ( A very sad story on a family going through War. VERY VERY SAD I TELL YOU!)
- Howl's Moving Castle (Based on Diana Wyne Jones novel. Love it :D)
- The Castle of Cagliostro ( Barely watched becaused it nearly lacked of common sense.)
- Tales From Earthsea ( I don't understand the story. And the guy looks demented when he's angry. 0.o)
So on the movie Pom Poko, It's about racoons fighting the humans and some of the racoons can transform.
So during their 'war' Some of the male racoons used their 'You-Know-What' To fight.
They combined their things and made it in to like a net with no holes to capture the human.
I was like 0____________o when I saw that part.
I'll never watch it again.
And that goes the same to Ocean Waves.
I don't understand A THING from the start to end. =.="
But the rest ROCKS!