Haha... I'm too lazy to put a proper post up now. :P
I went to Penang on Saturday came back Wednesday.
I'll give you guys to details when I feel like it. :D
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
All On My Soft Toys!!! (How childish of me.....)
Acca the multicoloured parrot I got from my mothers ex-workplace (ACCA XD),
Beatrice the poor dog which Acca is standing on which I got from Bev on my 10th B'day party,
Robert the poor bear which is covered by Snowy, one of the oldest toys around, he used to be my sister's when they were young. (I wonder how old he is.... Runs off to calculate.:P)
Snowy the dog who covered Robert's face which I got from Wai Zhung.... Err..... when it was my.... 10th B'day party???
Moo-chan the oddly shaped cow I got from Soon Way on my 11th B'day party,
Daisy (Simply named it :P)the Scottish dog my Mum bought for me when she went to Scotland, Amsterdam and Glasgow (Whatever it is spelled XD)
Elizabeth the brown dog my mum bought for me for my 7th or 8th B'day.
Cappuccino the Bear Jun Wei gave to me on my 10th or 11th B'day party. (He didn't come often so I can't remember which one he came to.. XD I think it was the Code:Red party.:P)
______ (Insert name) The Christmas Bear I got from Stanley. I gave it a name which I thought is for boys but it was a girls name so I'm finding a new name for it. ;)
Fluffy the tiny rabbit which used to also belong to my sisters and is also one of the oldest toys of the lot.
Jinggles the tiny brown bear May kwan gave me for one of my parties. XD (Called ir Jinggles coz it have bell's in it and will jinggle when you shake.)
Vannila the yellow bear which have it's face covered by George. My sister's favourite toy, until she called it Bannila instead or Vannila. XD
George, the brown bear which covered Vannila's face. It's also one of the oldest toys. XD
To the left to the left... (It looks like George fell down and Vannila caught him and Cappuccino is avoiding them XD)
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the oldest of them all? (LOL How lame)
Competing for smallest soft toy XD (They won't look at each other ;_;)
The two weird toys XD Moo-chan looks like it was forced inside a square box too small for him! XD
And Beatrice have one 'senget' eye and a weird mouth. XDSnowy's heart is throbbing with pain when it's girlfriend/boyfriend left it (I have no idea if it was a male or female. XD How weird of me)
Have a cup of Cappuccino??
At first I thought the leg was bleeding but found out it was a red autumn leaf shape. :P
Like the bird on an elephant, it's a parrot on a hippo with toys looking at it. ( Snowy looks dejected. XD And WTH Beatrice is reading Meniti Kaca?!?)
:D That shows how lame I feel today!!!!!!
There are other stuff I wanted to say like about weird Kah Kit (Car key:P) and did I write bout our 'malang' day?
Oh well, I wanna go and read Kingdom Hearts now. :D
-The End of my lamest post- :D
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Omg.... I wanted to look at my blog since Esther changes my blog......
Not saying that I don't like it but.... Just wonderign how on Earth did Esther did this!!!!!
(I think Esther will say "Cuz I'm smart mah! XD")
At first I was like:
Opens windows and goes to my blog page....
Pages loads finish...
Me: ............... Is this.............My blog????0.o
It IS my name (Li Anne's Memories <3) And that IS Esther's style to put <3.....
Well... Anyway.... THANKS Esther!!!!!!
You're not going away without any credit. XD (Do you want anything? :P)
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Today's Koku
You guys wanna know what?
For Curriculum, I joined Kadet Bomba.
I know most of you must be like; " Kadet BOMBA??" or " WTH? I thought St. John's." or "Hahah!! Li Anne? You? Join Bomba??? HAHAHAHA!!!!!"
Maybe the boys will say the 3rd choice. :P
And I joined Kelab Seni Foto.
I joined Cheer leading.
Yeah..... First I joined Choir with Samantha.
Then they all betrayed me.
And canceled my name and enter me in Cheer leading.
So today I went for some dunno what thing for the koku.
The bomba teacher was all "yaddayaddayadda...."
Then cheer leading we had to run 3 laps around the dewan for warming up.
Then they all did the kind of warm up we do during PJK.
Then it started getting harder.
They tried to make us do the split. Right and left.
I couldn't do to far out when facing the left side, and they guy asked me to do LOWER STILL!
Then after a while of trying to kill us, they let us rest to make us be prepared for our funeral. (Just joking. XD)
They thought us some move containing making a V and etc. etc.
They made us lift our hands and 'tightened' it and they will try to push your hand and if you do it wrongly they will say "Tightened it more!!"
I was like "OMG my hands is feeling SO painful."
Then they thought us 3 moves.
And they expect us to be able to jump and make both our hands touch our feet while our legs are doing split mid-air in 3 months.
I was "Hello la! I can't even do a perfect split yet and you expect me to do THAT?"
Then I and Jo Lynn Had to Be the base and Esther had to be the flyer.
Samantha got the base in another group.
Jo Lynn screamed alot that day.
I tried carrying Esther... Okay, then I tried to do that to Jo Lynn.... And she screamed.
After awhile, I asked if i can carry her. (Cause we were sort of like having a carry each other session)
She said yes, I tried to carry her and...................................................... She screamed.
Then I was like "Jo Lynn! Haiya! I don't dare to carry you ever again I tell you!"
Then we tried the thing with the holding hand wtv.
First, Esther got on..... We were holding our hands up for her. She held mine and Jo Lynn's.
Then Jo Lynn did it a little wrongly (Not trying to make you angry if you are reading this Jo Lynn. ;_;)
Then we had to take a few more seconds for Esther to go off.....
And THEN only I said "OUUUCH!!!!"
I'm so weird aren't I?
Anyway, my leg/waist/knee still hurts from the warm up.
Omg, I HATE Sivik project.
We have to get to know the teachers by helping them and asking them to sign our books.
I mean, How do I help them when I don't even know who is who?!? (Cause teacher gave us a few teachers)
So I'm like "iugxdfiwgblsridfuxgcvisuldfiyga!!!!!" (Not saying bad word. I'm saying something that cannot be understanded even by me.)
Yeah...... Thanks for reading anyway... :)
(P/S: I kinda start to like Cheer Leading if it wasn't that painful. I HATE Elevator stunt!)
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
I feel so lazy to post now..... :P
Just saying I got to SMK Seafield and I'm in kelas 1 Ilmu.
Yeah........ Got a new friend.......... Sitting next to Yi Chin.
Found out my new friend and Yi Chin also have Nintendo DS. (THEY HAVE THE GAME I WANTED FOR SOOOO LONG!!!)
Yeah...... Waited 30 looooooong minutes for my aunty van under the hot sun with my very heavy bag and my stupid pinafore was SO making my feel hot. (I mean panas yer? Not the Hot hot. The panas hot.. :P)
So...... yeah.....
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
Lotsa Stuff.... :P
Haha... I seriously need to update my blog more often.
My head is full of stuff I wanted to put up on my blog but it's just that I'm too lazy to update it. :P
But now most of the stuff I wanted to put up on the blog have been buried in my memory. :p
Well, first thing I wanna say is:
On the 25th of December (Christmas~~) I went shopping at Midvalley for well... shopping. (Duh... :P)
I went there to also get presents for Katrina and Katherine's Party.
Gosh... by the time I was on the way to theirs house I nearly fell asleep in the car from exhaustion.....
We used the PS2 and the laptop. The PS2 game they were playing first was some violent chinese fighting game.
I was like *jawdrop* when i saw they liked that kind of game. XD
Farina was the last to come to the party. (She was about an hour late)
So we were like: "Okay, when Farina comes here, lets hide and when she goes through the door we act like we wanna kill her with plastics knives."
Katherine got us plastic knives (The one we usually see in parties) And the doorbell rang after a while later.
Katherine (Or Katrina) Opened the door for Farina and we hid behind the door.
She went towards the stairs when we charged after her.
The first one to 'attack' her was Pik Yen the she looked behind and started hitting me.
Then I was like "What??? I didn't do anything to you yet also! Pik Yen is the one la!!"
The she replied "Because you are the one i saw."
The my face went -.-()
We opened presents and continued using the laptop to the very end. >8D
Second thing I wanna say~~~:
As you all know, I have NDS. So I have this game Final Fantasy Ring Of Fates.
I played the Multiplayer and chose play your own.
I created some characters and played. The first person I used was a female Selkies ( Archers, they can communicate with animals)
So I played until the part where there was a place unlocked called The Crystal Temple. (Even in Story Mode, I'm stuck there)
So I found two cats with a dog on Something near the Mog Mart.
This was their conversation.
Cat 1: Hiya! Thanks for comin'!
Cat 2: We are the comedy trio called... "The Meow Ruffs!"
Dog: Glad you could make it!
Cat 1: Word on the street is quest are THE thing in the human world.
Dog: Oh, yeah, I hearda those. They're one of the tribes.
Cat 1: Yea.. I heard they get something from the king.
Dog: Oh! Oh! I get it! Yeah! You mean a...a... reword?
Cat 2: Oo, just one letter off. Ya get a REWARD, ya moron, not an EDIT!
Cat 1: Ya muckin' up the whole routine! We're gonna have to... let ya go.
Dog: Okaaaay! Time to let ya go, folks! Ya been a great audience! Bye!
Cat 2: We stunk up the place. Kitty-litter-in-your-food-bowl bad.
Cat 1: Made me so sick I coughed up a furball the size of a magicite!**
Dog:... I heard SOME people laughin'.
Cat 2: Yeah, but not many... and never in the right places! We're finished.
Cat 1: We can't let the road to stardom end here! Not for The Meow Wows!
Dog: Heh, you mean The Meow RUFFS, or maybe Meow BOW-wows. Either way.
Dog:... Waaait a minute! Meow Wows? No room for me on stardom road?
Cat 1: Okay. We'll make room. Wouldn't want to make ya an outcast....
Cat 2: Course, the road to stardom might make ya...... roadkill......
Dog: Hey! That's worse! I can't handle the pressure! Sorry, but i quit!
Cat 1: Really?!? Thank you so much!!!! F-for all your................ help, that is.
Cat 1: S-so watcha think?! Not much, I know. But can we work with it?
Cat 2: Pheh! Even switchin' around who plays the straight man flopped!
Dog: Maybe it IS time we pack it in. If we can't do any better.
Cat 2: Our real problem is balance. Two cats and a dog just ain't right.
Dog: Hrnh!?
Cat 2: Think about it. Two cats'd have a whachacall a symmetry, right?
Cat 1: Yeah, now that ya mention it... And we got that cute factor eh?
Dog: Wha-- That's it!? I'm out? Oof. Ya got nine lives but no soul. You guys... Ya got no HUMANITY!
Cat 1: Not a trace. We're cats.
Dog: Please, I'm begging ya on all fours! Just don't fire me! I'll do whatever ya say!
Cat 2:... Relax, buddy.
Cat 1: Ya takin' things too doggone seriously. Ya gotta lighten up.
Dog: Really? Ya mean it? So can I stay?
Cat 1: O' course! Right, partner?
Cat 2: Yeah,yeah! Honest to gods, the act ain't the same without ya.
Dog: Thanks! Thanks, guys! I'm so relieved!
Cat 2: We need a droopy guy like you around to make us look adorable.
Dog:............................... Heeeey! MAMA says I'm cute!
Seriously... I thought the dog was cuter then the cats.
Oh gosh I'm exhausted from typing now.
Anyway, Today I went to Seafield and I got into class 1 Ilmu.
There's only Yi Chin, Sangeetha, Miza and who else????
Posted by ~^~^Ĺĩ Ånňę^~^~ at 12:31 AM 1 comments